Portland Rental Homes

Vendor Resources

Vendor Resources

Who We Trust

Trusted Vendors We Use.

At Rent Portland Homes by Darla Andrew, our focus is on keeping your investment intact. That’s why we offer a 24-hour emergency service hotline and shoot for a 48-hour turnaround on any maintenance request. This superior service level is only made possible with the help of our skilled vendor team.

Jessy Sperry

Mike Watson – MD Watson Construction

Rent Portland Homes, Darla Andrew’s office and MD Watson Construction discussion Why Landlords should use a Property Management Company, resources like MD Watson Construction are reliable, work orders should be done within 48 hours, MD Watson provides 24 hour services, no over time charges.

Jesse Curran

Jesse Curran Rent Portland Homes Accountant for the Construction and Repair division, discusses the key components to an organized efficient repair and inspection team. Yearly inspections, work order turn around 48 hours, communication with the tenants, owner portals, reliable contractor, emergency line.

Call Darla Andrew today at Rent Portland Homes 503-515-3170

Mike Skoro

Mike Skoro, Clear Water Restoration and Rent Portland Homes Darla Andrew’s Office work as professionals protecting your investment. Investor’s 8 plex serious water leak damages lower unit, insurance claim cover’s damage, Clear water works with Rent Portland Homes to restore the integrity of the unit.

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